Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Early days!

Yeah, an early morning for me! Decided to get some farming done for the Crimson whelping which is selling for a fortune on this server right now. I have a great farming spot so making the most of it while I can ^_^

32.11% Crit chance!

So I decided to sack a good about of Resi to increase my crit chance greatly. The awesome thing is how high it is now with my own solo buffs.

My resi was 4.6k and is not dropped to 3.7k, however, since I mainly do Battlegrounds, this works out well for me as I spent most of my time in the back free casting. This allows me to make this change. Also in 1v1 PvP, I spend most of my time kiting and not getting hit. I think for now this change is a great idea and will see how it affects my general game play. If it doesn't go well I can always change it back. But one thing I always go by, Resilience isn't everything. Skill can overcome a small amount and I think I have enough skill to let me away with about 900 resi. Or I soon will.

New wand!

Well I just logged on and bought the wand instead! And next week I will get the crit trinket! At least that is going well. Got some screen shots coming up for later on. Just want to get my daily stuff done now.

New gear this week.

This week I hope to gear up my character with the Conquest PvP shoulder piece. I should have enough by the end of the week as I got the PvP cape yesterday.

I also have a ton of honor points and have no clue what to do with them now.


Not going into too much detail but I had to right this down somewhere.

Never fully trust anyone. Believe me. Some people are obvious, but others you think you could trust with your life. DON'T. They will fuck you up one day.

Plaster Day.

Well patch day. I think, it is taking a long time to download something for WoW right now, which I can only assume is a couple of hot/bug fixes.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

It's sunny!

Today I went out with a really good friend of mine. His name is Arron. We just walked around the town and along the river path as it was a beautiful sunny day. Looking forward to the Easter break as I get to stay over with him on Easter Monday then get the train down to Dublin Zoo on Tuesday! What an awesome day!

Get to da Choppa!

So this is the little camp that I construct in game when I am gonna be standing around for a while. Also you can see the bike that I have. The Mechano-Hog. It's a really cool 2 player mount.

It's the Gladiators!

So yes, this is my gear that I had during Burning Crusade and I loved it. It was awesome to be able to use it and still do the good damage thanks to Transmogrification!

All will burn!

So I chose fire. Why did I do that? Well I love lists, so here is a list of reasons I chose fire.

- It has my 2 favorite spells. Dragons Breath and Pyroblast.
- It was my first ever spec.
- It suits my gear (More on that later).
- It was my favorite spec.
- It looks really cool and is really fun to play.

So here are a few screen shots, because who doesn't like these?
5,4,3,2,1 PYROBLAST!
This is the best feeling ever. Impact and Hot Streak!
Oh he is so gonna get it.

And the morning light, will hide the darkened days gone by!

Yes a quote from one of my favorite DragonForce songs, The fire still burns.

Anyway lots to go over so i'll make it brief cause I want to post a lot today.

So these are the following goals I have completed:

- Defeat Deathwing
- Obtain all Dragon whelp pets.
- Decide on a spec for my mage.
- Max all professions.

Here is what still needs to be done:

- Name needs to be back to Stevez.
- Obtain a full set of Conquest PvP gear.

Lots more posts today with things showing my spec and daily activities. I also hope I can show some Oblivion pictures but we will see.

To WoW!

Todays post will be a quick update on what has happened in World of Warcraft and what will be happening. It will be up shortly.