Saturday, 8 February 2014

ESO Beta - Day 2

Hey folks, so begins Day 2 of the beta and I am writing this post during the loading screen. The funny thing is, by the time I have finished this post, the loading screen will still not be done. There is a bit of an issue right now on their end, let's put it that way :)
So I had a bit of a fight last night with certain members of my LoL team. Minds just don't think alike and the disagreements start when people don't make any attempt to see your point of view and take theirs as gospel. But away from that stuff, the positive side is I may get more ESO time today!
Today's plans are to get level 10-12 and see what the content there is like. The goal for Monday at midnight like I said before is 20. So if I get 10-12 today, i'll be right on track! :)
I have changed the keybinds of my abilities around a little as I did not like them. Most people use WASD to move, but I personally use QWE. So 1,2,3,4,5,6 are not the best keybinds. So I changed mine to, QWE, 4,R,F,5,(Mouse scroll down). This to me makes a more fluid style of playing. My biggest problem was when I was running towards an enemy, the 2 button is very hard to press.
Right, i'll post again later! :)

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